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MAN NL293 Lion`s City #536

15 czerwca 2018 - Opole, Oświęcimska St, Oświęcimska - Osiedle stop. After nearly six months of service one can draw first conclusion about this year`s deliveries. 1. The new front with black jaw and those tiny, round daylights is simply ugly. Older Lion`s City look so much more better. 2. Build quality is considerably worse comparing to batches from a few years back. Nothing major, just some loose screws here and there. 3. Articulated A23 offer great passenger experience, with spacious inside and a lot of seats. 4. On the other hand A37 aren`t well thought out from the second door back. Comparing to ours A21 there are less seats overall and especially two seats accessible directly from the floor level less. 5. Outside quietness of A37 is really stunning. Let`s hope that whole batch will serve at least as reliably and economicly as our previous MANs.

Autor: no future RSS
Miejsce: Opole (Opolskie) | Właściciel: MZK Opole | Organizator: UM Opole | Linia: 8

Komentarze: 8

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